Today: Thursday, 24 October 2024 year
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Curfew In Tunis, Month-Long Emergency In Tunisia After Presidential Guard Bus Bombing

Tunisia’s capital Tunis is under curfew and President Beji Caid Essebsi has imposed a 30-day nationwide state of emergency after a parked presidential guard bus on the Mohamed V Avenue was bombed by a suicide bomber Tuesday killing 12 people and injuring 17 others.

In a televised speech the president said terror group want to make them live with horror, but the horror will be returned back on the terrorist camps.

With the emergency the government will get more executive flexibility, security forces will get more power and civil rights will be restricted.

Meanwhile, Essebsi has canceled his Europe trip after the attack.

Fighting Islamist militants has become a major challenge to the North African country. An uprising in 2011 ousted the autocrat Zine Abidine Ben Ali.

Tunisia is a democratic country with a model of moderate Islamic state.

This is the third attacks in 2015. The earlier two was in March and June that killed dozens of people, mostly of foreigners.