Brigitte Macron supports the educational programmes, she is a professional teacher and knows very well the complex and versatile background of this issue. On September 20, 2017, the first lady of France attended a debate “Education for All” at Un headquarters in New York.
Briggite Macron is ready to boost the educational system in France, the wife of the French President participated in the discussions of the “Education for All” (ELA) in New York, making her own contribution to it.
Next Monday, October 16, Macron will have the pleasure of reading the 14th dictation of ELA in a Parisian hotel. For the first time, the first lady of France will do it. Brigitte will read the text via video conference. Brigitte decided to take part this year at the Dictation of ELA because she hopes that many of you will join this edition, which bears a new hope for the children of ELAH.
‘For years, the ELA provides hope, supports and accompanies children, youth and families. The school is a place capital because it is often the teachers who are the first signals of the disease. They are also the ones who can continue to live together, in solidarity.’
said in a message published on the website of the association the wife of the president and Emmanuel Macron.

Brigitte Macron will be accompanied by the winner of the prix Goncourt 2016, the writer Leïla Slimani, who is the author of the 14th dictation of ELAH, the text of which was baptized in stories without end.
“I was very pleased to write the Dictation of ELA. There are battles that lead also with words, so be many, in your schools, to participate. And thank you to the children of ELA,”
she said.