At least 14 people have been killed in Russia after a Tamanneftegas bus carrying construction workers plunged into the sea from the pier. The bus was carrying shift workers to their workplace, 24 people rescued, three still are missing.
The oil and gas company Tamanneftegas’ bus has plunged off a pier into the Black Sea in southern Russia. As result of this tragic incident, 14 people killed, 8 more were injured, five seriously. According to the Emergency Ministry of Russia, 24 people were rescued after the coach fell from a pier on Friday morning.
The regional Emergency Service has reacted quickly, starting the rescue operation. More than 100 people and 29 equipment units are involved in the search of the missing workers, reported an Emergencies Ministry.
The Tamanneftegas vehicle had been carrying workers who were building docks for this company on the Black Sea coast close to Crimea.
Black Sea bus crash: details of an emergency operation

The Emergency Ministry of Russia has not yet established what caused the tragic incident in the Black Sea. The bus has since been lifted from the water by a crane, the vehicle fell four metres into the water.
What exactly happened at about 8 AM on August 25 near Volna, a village in the region Krasnodar, close to Crimea, will show the investigation.
“All possible versions of the accident are examined, including those related to a violation by the driver of the traffic rules or a technical failure,”
said the Russian Investigation Committee.
The passengers on the bus were reported to have been working on the construction of tanker docks for Russian energy on company Tamanneftegaz, one of the several firms drilling for oil and gas off the Black Sea coast.
So far, the official data of the Russian authorities confirm the death of 14 people, 24 rescued and three others were missing.