Today: Monday, 13 January 2025 year

Ban Muslims From Entering America: Trump

Donald J. Trump has come up with the best possible way to fight terrorism, but in his own way, that has provoked for debate over immigration policy in the United States and tolerance too.

The Republican front-runner called Monday a ban to all Muslims entering America.

The statement of Trump comes in less than a week after a terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California, advocating a religious prohibition that has never happened in American history.

Not forget here his statement earlier this year in September when he said “I love the Muslims.” Now he has taken U-turn and has gone completely against them.

The response of his comment was immediate. Critics and Trump distractors piled up with unsparing language of their own.

However, the Paris terrorist attacks and San Bernardino massacre seems to have forced Trump in shifting his emphasis in describing the threat to America from terror groups.