Putin and his style of the leadership are what the Australian want, said Senator Pauline Hanson in her recent interview. According to the politician, Mr Putin is patriotic, well-liked and an example of the strong leadership person.
Vladimir Putin is that kind of leader, which Australians want, claimed the Senator Pauline Hanson while interviewing Insiders host Barrie Cassidy. Despite the criticism of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Hanson strongly assured that Australians are calling out for a leader like Russian President, his strong hand and sharp mind.
Hanson’s party’s “weekly wrap-up” broadcasts on Facebook draw attention to the position of Senator and her admiring Mr Putin. She praised Mr Putin as patriotic, well-liked and an example of the strong leadership many voters wanted to see from their politicians.
Senator noted that she has listened to a speech he gave in Parliament, and I wish we had a leader like that here, in Australia. According to Hanson, Putin is ready to stand up and fight for his country without excessive words. Sometimes, that is what the people expect.
“I think he is a strong man and I think what I was reading is about 97 per cent of people in his country respect him as a leader for their nation,”
Pauline Hanson added, citing an unspecific opinion poll. Despite her words, Russia-Australia relations in state of frozen disagreement over Crimea, MH17 last three years.