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Vogue reveals 5 fashion trends we want to see die in 2018

Vogue reveals 5 fashion trends we want to see die in 2018

Fashion magazine Vogue and its creative team have revealed several trends everyone wants to see die in 2018. One of these soon-to-be-disappearing things is clear, plastic, open-toe shoes, which looks cheap and awkward, said Rebecca Shalala, Vogue Australia editorial coordinator. And the high waisted jeans, of course.

The year 2017 brought a lot of odd things into the world fashion, but their lives weren’t too long. In fact, there is always at least one fashion trend we are happy not to see. Whether it be a shape or silhouette, a cut or colour, or even a particular style of bag, there were a few trends that came, conquered and now we’re ready to say goodbye to.

In 2018, Vogue predicts a fashionable death to five tendencies, which skyrocketed last year and dramatically fall down next day. After twelve months of fashion weeks, street style and plenty of Instagram influencer collaborations, the Vogue team have rounded up the trends we hope to see the end of — ugly sock boots included.

Vogue: Top 5 fashion trends to be ended in 2018

#1 Any and every thing ‘inspired’ by Balenciaga or Vetements. These ubiquitous brands and the cheapy looks just transformed into the nightmare, believes Zara Wong.

#2 Plastic, clear, open-toe shoes should be gone immediately, their ability to make women’s leg longer is overestimated. In fact, such a shoes make the fashion look cheaper. According to Rebecca Shalala, Vogue Australia editorial coordinator, plastic open-toe shoes aren’t the best option for the feet.

#3 Obnoxiously oversized sleeves should disappear from the wardrobe, these gigantic details make the silhouette ugly and ill-proportioned, said Petta Chua. Just remember Melania Trump in her fuchsia dress with such stupid sleeves while her giving the speech at the UN! Of course, the oversized sleeves have right to live but on the runway only, not in the daily wardrobe.

#4 The ’80s bike shorts. It is the right time to say goodbye to these short laconic detail of the wardrobe. Such a thing looks good on Naomi Campbell, and Kim Kardashian West pulled them off but other thinking people can definitely do without ’80s bike shorts.

#5 Last but not least. According to Lilith Hardie Lupica, Vogue Australia associate digital editor, the bumbag is an awful thing, which should be gone for good!It is really painful to see it strapped around hundreds of waists for the next year, the fashion experts say.