Today: Sunday, 19 January 2025 year

Turkey failed coup: Presidential guard to be disbanded

Turkey failed coup: Presidential guard to be disbanded

Last week’s coup attempt showed many weaknesses in the President Erdogan’s environment. His elite presidential guard is to be disbanded because there was “no need” for the regiment. In fact, nearly 300 of elite guards were detained after July 16 failed coup.

On Wednesday President Erdogan declared a state of emergency on national TV, such a status allows the president and his cabinet to bypass parliament when drafting new laws as well as to suspend (or restrict) the rights and freedoms of Turkish citizens. The Turkish presidential guard consisted of 2,500 soldiers, 283 of them were detained after the uprising on July 16.

The Turkish Prime Minister Mr Yildirim told the A Haber TV channel:

“There will no longer be a presidential guard, there is no purpose, there is no need.”

According to the latest data, thousands of other military service personnel remain in detention. Among them are more than 100 generals and admirals. On Saturday, President Erdogan extended the period in which suspects and former guards from the elite regiment can be detained without charge up to 30 days.

President Erdogan noted in his television interview with France 24 on July 23, that EU was “biased and prejudiced” against Turkey. In its turn, Amnesty International warned that Mr. Erdogan is going “well beyond what might be considered a legitimate response to the coup attempt”.