One individual using the ex-president’ past to punish Hillary is Republican controversial front runner, Donald Trump, who has been on the Clintons, since Hillary announced her husband will join her in the campaign train. Bill Clinton’s past ranges from his acknowledged sexual relations with White House intern Monica Lewinsky to alleged affairs, groping and rape. The former president has addressed some of the stories, denied some and ignored others.
Clinton moves to court black voters
Senator Hillary Clinton addressed a Martin Luther King Day rally at the South Carolina state house in Columbia in an attempt to get more support from African American voters in the south as a firewall against the surging tide of her Democratic rival, Bernie Sanders. The polls in Iowa are tight and Sanders is showing no sign of slowing down in New Hampshire where he has a home advantage. South Carolina, the first state in the south to hold a primary, is increasingly seen within the Clinton camp as an essential buttress against the senator for Vermont’s insurgency. Clinton advisers are mindful that Barack Obama defeated her in South Carolina in 2008 in no small measure due to the backing of black voters who made up 55% of the Democratic primary turnout. Hence, there’s need to get major black supports.
Clinton still in the e-mail mess
Emerging emails from the State Department show that a top official at the agency suggested to Hillary Clinton’s aide, Huma Abedin, in August 2011 that the then-secretary of state begin using a government email account to protect against unexpected outages of her private email server. Besides showing that Clinton’s top aides were against the idea of her using a email account, the emails show for the first time that top State Department officials were aware of Clinton’s private email server arrangement.