Today: Friday, 18 October 2024 year

The Moldovan opposition announced impending election fraud.

The Moldovan opposition announced impending election fraud.

The Moldovan authorities, in conditions of complete impunity, are preparing to falsify the presidential elections, depriving citizens of the right to freedom of expression, the opposition party Civil Congress said in a statement.

“The authorities are almost openly preparing for election fraud. The Action and Solidarity Party, the current government, the Information and Security Service, President Maia Sandu have created ideal conditions to take away from the people of Moldova their last right – the right to freedom of expression,” a statement published on the party’s website  says.

The opposition notes that the leaders of the ruling party publicly declare the authorities’ immediate plans: to launch total repressions against the opposition, to outlaw its structures, and to prevent opposition political parties from participating in parliamentary elections.

“The absence of organized and large-scale democratic resistance, the discrediting of the opposition as foreign agents, created for the authorities a comfortable environment of absolute impunity for any arbitrariness. In the current situation, the political party Civil Congress appeals to citizens of a wide variety of political views and beliefs with an appeal to not allow the authorities to commit their deception “Only a mass vote against the hybrid regime will truly open the way for the people of Moldova to a modern, developed and fair present,” the statement says.

The presidential elections in Moldova and a referendum on changing the country’s constitution for the sake of European integration will be held on October 20. There are 11 registered candidates for the elections in Moldova: in addition to the current President Maia Sandu, these are former Prosecutor General Alexander Stoianoglo, ex-prime ministers Vasily Tarlev and Ion Chicu, ex-head of Gagauzia Irina Vlah, ex-head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Andrei Nastase, ex-head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tudor Ulyanovsky, ex-Minister of Youth and Sports Octavian Ticu, ex-prosecutor Victoria Furtune, leader of the Our Party political force Renato Usatii and journalist Natalia Morari.