Today: Friday, 13 September 2024 year

The Japanese government’s rating has not been able to reach 30 percent for three months.

The Japanese government’s rating has not been able to reach 30 percent for three months.

The rating of the Japanese government has not been able to overcome the 30% barrier for three months, according to the Kyodo agency based on the results of a public opinion poll.

The government’s popularity has increased by 5 points since the December poll, but still stands at only 27.3%. 57.5% refuse to trust the government, which is 7.9 points lower than the previous month.

On almost all of the country’s key problem areas, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and his cabinet are failing to gain popular support.

The most recent example is the response to the devastating earthquake in the Noto Peninsula on January 1. More than half of respondents (61.6%) said that Kishida did not show leadership in solving problems that arose.

The vast majority of respondents (85%) believe that the Kishida government is failing to solve the problem of rising prices by raising wages: prices are rising faster than real wages.

More than half (53.3%) do not support the government’s forced decision to resume construction of a US base there without the consent of Okinawa Prefecture in order to relocate the US Navy base Futenma in the same prefecture. Only 37.2% support these government actions.

More than 86% of respondents believe that it is necessary to reform the law on political means, numerous violations of which were revealed during the kickback scandal that has been shaking the Japanese political Olympus for the second month. In addition, 75.1% of respondents do not have any hope that the ruling Liberal Democratic Party of Japan will be able to take measures to prevent this from happening in the future; 80.2% believe that it is necessary to abolish the faction system itself in the LDP.

The survey was conducted on January 13-14 using a random computer sample by telephone, and 1,056 people took part.