Today: Wednesday, 5 February 2025 year

Swedish PM calls for closer EU collaboration after crisis

Swedish PM calls for closer EU collaboration after crisis

Sweden’s prime minister Stefan Lofven believes that the EU countries should cooperate closer to cope the current health crisis. Working together now will help to cope with future disasters, Bloomberg reports.

The coronacrisis showed the lack of solidarity between the EU member states. In addition, Sweden’s own way to live amid epidemic became a shock for the EU members. As Swedish PM wrote in an editorial published by the Dagens Nyheter newspaper on Saturday, the collaboration has since improved.

According to Sweden’s PM, the EU must work together to make the economic recovery process green, to digitalize its internal market and to strengthen democratic freedoms and rights in the member states.

“We need a strong EU, where we stand together,” the first minister said. “No matter what challenges the EU faces, cooperation is the best way forward.”

Sweden was harshly criticized for not imposing an official lockdown. In the EU country, as opposed to its neighbouring countries, and most of Europe, there is no ban on moving outdoors, nor are bars, restaurants, offices or even primary schools shut.

While some offices have adopted work from home policies, many Swedes still travel to work. Rather, the country has been relying on trust, common sense and recommendations of social distancing, led by the state epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, who has said that locking people at home will not work in the long term.

However, Sweden’s decision to avoid lockdown has caused much controversy – some have called it reckless and dangerous – the country has a total of 25,265 cases and 3,175 deaths – others, especially many Swedes, believe that this is the right move.

In fact, Sweden’s death rate is nearly six times that of its neighbouring countries, Norway and Finland. A large number of deaths are among the older population. Sweden also recently had to crack down on a few bars and restaurants in Stockholm where social distancing rules were being flouted.