Saudi Arabia is known for its claims of ‘modernising’ but the kingdom continues the practice of beheading, The Sun reported. In only 2019, 43 people died through beheadings, including the public executions.
In Saudi Arabia, a majority of executions are carried out by public beheading. According to statistics, the number of killings in the desert kingdom has increased rapidly since 2017. The kingdom is on course for a record number of beheadings and crucifixions in 2019 if their executions continue at the present rate. Figures released in December by Reprieve, a watchdog.
Traditionally, the executions taking place in a public square in Jeddah known as Chop Chop Square.

The desert state has already executed 43 people in the first three months of this year – the most recent being a Syrian man who was put to death on March 13th for smuggling amphetamine pills. In fact, the kingdom law system is known for its zero tolerance to the drug dealers: so far, 21 people have been beheaded for drugs offences. But other crimes such as adultery, renouncing Islam, treason, espionage, burglary as well as murder, terrorism, rape or espionage also carry the death penalty.
Nearly 40 percent (58 people) of those executed last year were convicted of drugs offences, with 77 per cent of them being foreign nationals.
‘These are typically poor migrant workers, coerced into smuggling drugs in their intestines,’ said Reprieve.
Up to date, 172 will have been put to death by the end of the year. if they will be executed, the total will be the new sad record, say the human rights activists from Death Penalty Worldwide, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. The figures were compiled for the recent report, which describes the status of the death penalty in the world.
According to the watchdog, Reprieve, that executions doubled in Saudi Arabia under the new ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.