Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia had expressed a demarche of the United States over plans to supply Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets capable of carrying nuclear charges.
“Now we are talking about F-16 aircraft that can really be equipped to carry nuclear weapons. We have said this publicly. And within the framework of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, there is such a “nuclear five”, experts meet periodically.
We made a very serious demarche there. The Americans tried to deny it and say that “do you really think that we will give Ukraine planes that will carry nuclear weapons,” the diplomat said.
The politician draws attention to the fact that the Russian systems that will monitor the F-16 fighters will not be able to distinguish an aircraft that is not equipped with nuclear weapons from one that carries this type of weapon.
“The answer is for the military, they know what to do. The F-16 is a military-technical product, so if we see that these planes flew over Ukraine and pose a threat to us, of course, there will also be a military-technical response,” Lavrov added.