Today: Wednesday, 5 February 2025 year

Leaked Document Reveals Isis’ Plan Of Creating Own Government

A recently leaked dossier drafted by Isis, as believed, reveals the terror group has plans of creating its own government in Iraq and Syria.

The 24-page manual is equipped with directives about health care, education, foreign policy and public relations. It has instruction for cadres of administrators too.

The blueprint is titled as Principles in the Administration of the Islamic State. It is believed the document was published in the mid-2014, after the establishment of a caliphate by Isis, headed by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, in the region where it holds control in Iraq and Syria.

The manual is written as foundation text to train the cadres.

Meanwhile, it is reported Isis has been threatening doctors and other medical personnel not to leave their caliphet territory.

A research says unless the Isis provides adequate healthcare facilities to its people, it will not gain proper support.