Today: Tuesday, 18 February 2025 year

Israel has recorded a record incidence of West Nile fever.

Israel has recorded a record incidence of West Nile fever.

Israel has recorded a 25-year record for the incidence of West Nile fever virus, which is transmitted through mosquito bites; this season, 440 people have already fallen ill, of whom 32 have died, the state radio station Kan reports, citing data from the Ministry of Health.

According to the radio station, in 2000 only 425 cases were recorded, and in 2024 the incidence has already exceeded this figure in the first seven months alone. Since 2000, the average annual incidence of the virus in Israel has been about 100 people.

According to the Israeli Ministry of Health, as of June 28, 81 cases of fever were detected in the country, including seven deaths. The department regularly emphasizes that this virus is not transmitted from person to person.

The Ministry of Health notes that Israel has been dealing with seasonal outbreaks of West Nile fever for many years, which are usually recorded between June and November. This year, the incidence began to be recorded earlier than usual and is likely related to climate change in Israel and in the world, which creates a favorable environment for the breeding of mosquitoes.

According to the Ministry of Health, the majority of people (about 70-80%) infected with West Nile fever are asymptomatic, while about 20% may experience certain symptoms such as fever, headache, body and joint pain, vomiting , diarrhea or rash. Severe symptoms occur in less than 1% of cases. The risk of significant incidence exists among the adult population and immunocompromised individuals.

As a precautionary measure, the Ministry of Health recommends the use of various insect repellents, such as repellents.