Today: Monday, 13 January 2025 year

Is Donald Trump an undercover Democrat?

It may be a long race when it comes to the election of the future U.S President, but more and more sources claim that Republican candidate Donald Trump could have this in the bag. He’s leading the GOP poll, but he may have bigger support once the battle reaches its peak.

Donald Trump’s presence on the top of the Republican poll has been a surprise since the start of the campaign. Seen as a liar, bigot or fascist and compared to Hitler, Trump had no chance in maintaining his lead, according to specialists. But here we are, almost in 2016, and the businessman seems untouchable in his front-runner role. And a “gruesome” future for the American democracy is now more plausible than ever.

What will happen to immigrants?

According to The Atlantic, anti-immigrant policies to working-class voters is much deeper than most American elites want to believe. If we take into consideration that Donald Trump’s campaign is based on the support of less-educated, working- and middle-class voters, we could see from where he gets his power. So, immigrants will not have a future in the U.S if Trump is elected President. And people full with anti-immigrant rage, growing fear of homeland terrorism are willing to vote for him.

A Monmouth University poll this week has him leading the GOP field with 41 percent of Republican voters. His closest rival is Ted Cruz, at 14 percent, says Philly. Donald Trump is only slipping in Iowa, but the same source tells us that just one Republican candidate over the last 40 years that won in Iowa turned out to win the Presidential seat: George W. Bush, in 2000.

Will the current supporters remain loyal?

Donald Trump has a big support right now, but what will the future reserve? Philly claims that many Trump voters are hiding, due to the mogul’s bad image, but some specialists said that the newspapers’ reporters may be wrong. Tim Malloy, a director of Quinnipiac University polling, about Trump’s stealth voters.

“You may be right. You may be crazy.”, he told the reporters. Neil Newhouse, co-founder of Public Opinion Strategies, a prominent national GOP polling firm that worked for Mitt Romney in 2012, believes that this theory with Trump’s hidden voters is not that plausible. “I’m not sure that fits with the folks supporting Trump . . . seems like most wear their support with pride!”.

Trump, the Democrat

Conspiracy theories tend to be planted in people minds more often now. BBC had released the idea that Donald Trump could be a double-agent, and that he’s actually destroying the Republican party from the inside for the Democrats. “Maybe Donald negotiated a deal with his buddy Hillary Clinton. Continuing this path will put her in the White House.” Mr Bush tweeted this week, after Mr Trump cited a poll showing his supporters would stick with him if he left the Republican Party, says the same source.

There are theories that counteract with each other, but it seems that no publicity is bad for Donald Trump as he attracts more and more voters, claiming his sport in U.S history.