Today: Thursday, 16 January 2025 year

Google will retool user security in wake of political hack

Google will retool user security in wake of political hack

Google is revising its security policy, in the plans of the Alphabet Inc. is an offering a service called the Advanced Protection Program. In other words, it plans to retool user security.

Google pays a lot of attention to the issue of security, in the wake of the political hacks, this aspect becomes more and more important. Google plans to market the product to corporate executives, politicians and others with heightened security concerns.

The Gmail messages of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign chairman, were famously hacked last year, along with the databases of the Democratic National Committee. Podesta met with the House Intelligence Committee in June to discuss the hack.

google verification

In 2014, Google released software for a USB Security Key, a device designed to improve existing security measures, like double-factor authentication. Such an approach from two steps involves using a second code or password, for example, to log onto email.

There’s certainly been no slowdown in the number of large-scale hacks and security incidents we’re seeing, covering every detail from leaked TV shows to interference in the political process like elections. Over five years, Google has sent warnings to users when they are potential targets of state-sponsored attacks.