The European Union’s pressure on the administration of President Nicolás Maduro got stronger on Monday. The foreign ministers decided to strengthen the rule of law and democracy in that South American country and approved an arms embargo against Venezuela.
The EU ministers continued the hard-line regarding Venezuela, on Monday they approved arms embargo as part of what they called “restrictive measures” to pressure President Maduro. The foreign ministers established the legal framework for sanctions, including travel bans and the freezing of assets, against government officials, a step the Trump administration has taken against dozens of Venezuelan government officials, including Mr Maduro.
But the ministers stopped short of naming any specific officials who might be subject to such penalties, saying they still hoped Venezuela could find a “peaceful negotiated way” out of its economic and political crises. Alfonso Dastis, Spain’s Foreign Minister, explained that new sanctions aimed at seeking dialogue. The Venezuelan government and the opposition should find a democratic and peaceful solution to resolve the current political and economic crisis.
The joint ministers’ statement reads:
“The E.U. calls upon the government to urgently restore democratic legitimacy, including through free and fair elections, and on the opposition to continue engaging in a united manner towards a negotiated solution to the current tensions, in the interest of the country.”

EU’s pressure on Venezuela: restrictive measures are getting stronger
The aim of the new European pressure on Venezuela is stopping near-quadruple-digit inflation and that chaos that rules in the economy of the country. The total poverty and non-stop inflation ruined public services and depleted stocks in grocery stores. Venezuelans have no access to the quality health services and pharmacy goods, they used to buy these things in the neighbouring countries.
Mr Maduro is widely unpopular but he is the head of the state and should use his leverage to tighten his hold on power, say the political experts.