Today: Friday, 24 January 2025 year

The ethical dilemma for the driverless cars

The ethical dilemma for the driverless cars

The driverless cars is a great invention, undoubtedly, but what about safe using this innovative toy? Traffic is always connected with certain rules, and misbehavior on one driver could lead to the tragedy for others. An ethical problem for driverless cars, thus, is real as never before.  

The driverless cars are just around the corner but before they become completely regulated and ubiquitous on our roads, there is still a lingering conundrum that faces researchers and manufacturers alike. According to the latest research, driverless cars is expected to dramatically reduce road accidents. Alas, cars with AI won’t be able to eliminate accidents entirely. The weather conditions, mechanical failures or other random uncontrollable forces are still our reality.

A new article in the journal Science this week considers the ethical side of the coming future and its driverless cars. The logical question arose:

“When it becomes possible to program decision-making based on moral principles into machines, will self-interest or the public good predominate?”

An expert said that a minority of accidents involving autonomous cars “may lead to tradeoffs.” But there’s no need to forget that cars will have to make a difficult ethical choice in cases that involve unavoidable harm.