Today: Saturday, 8 February 2025 year

Drake, Trump: short history of mutual disliking

Drake, Trump: short history of mutual disliking

Drake never supported Donald Trump, so we can easy add the Canadian rapper to the list of celebs who dislike the US President and his strategy. In his turn, Mr President dislikes Drake, too because of the singer’s words ‘F*** that man.’

Drake is not shy and the professional behaviour of this musician doesn’t depend on his nationality. During one of his London concerts, Drake allowed himself to give the unflattering epithet to Donald Trump and even said ‘F*** that man.’ That electrified the auditory but not Donald Trump. See the video below.

According to Drake, new administration aimed at tearing us apart, Trump’s people trying to make Americans turn against each other. The image of the enemy is more than a clear and understandable, especially for the teenaged fans of the Canadian rapper.

Frankly speaking, it is the old truth that art and culture unite people, and the politics often divides them. That’s life. But prior to criticise the politician(s), let us look at the music of Drake. Is his creation 100% perfect? The rapper made another wonderful show in London, the city he called the most comfortable to him, he added at the stage:

“So tonight, my proudest moment isn’t selling tickets or having people sing my songs,” he continued, “my proudest moment — if you take a look around in this room, you’ll see people from all races and all places — and all we did tonight was come inside this building, show love, celebrate life, more life, and more music.”

Whatever, Donald Trump became more famous thanks to Drake, the media tycoon knows perfectly how to turn any critics of disliking in his favour. After all, people are talking and buzzing about President more often that Drake…