Austria isn’t intended to sign the non-binding UN migration pact, Poland has also rejected this international accord due to concerns of the national sovereignty. The final text was agreed in July and is set to be adopted during a conference in Morocco on December.
Austria’s Chancellor said Wednesday his country will not sign a UN migration pact, Poland, Hungary and the United States did the same by rejecting the Global Compact for Migration, which aims to boost cooperation to address the world’s growing number of migrants.
“The government has agreed… not to sign the United Nations pact and thus not to bind Austria,” said a statement from the ruling coalition led by Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of the centre-right OeVP.
In Austria, the far-right coalition won votes on an anti-immigration platform following the 2015 surge in arrivals of asylum seekers from the North Africa and the Middle East. Three years after, the refugees are still coming, their number grows but their integration into European society equals almost zero.
Despite the UN non-binding pact, Austria said it would not sign this agreement because the most important thing now is “defending Austria’s national sovereignty”, according to Sebastian Kurz.
The US and Hungary’s reaction to the UN migration pact

Last December, during the discussion the text of The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, the United States have warned it was quitting negotiations on the pact because of provisions “inconsistent with US immigration and refugee policies”. Donald Trump’s office took as stable as simple policy like ‘The US is not for migrants’.
Hungary’s anti-immigration prime minister Viktor Orban said in July that Budapest would boycott the pact because it was “dangerous for the world and Hungary” and would “inspire millions to set out on the road”. Poland and Italy also expressed a desire not to be a part of the UN migrant agreement because there are too many migrants for one Europe.