Angelina Jolie gave a powerful speech at a major UN peacekeeping summit, where the Special envoy called for more women to participate in UN missions. Such approach could prevent the sexual abuse cases among the UN peacekeepers, said the actress.
Angelina Jolie participates in the UN peacekeeping summit, on Friday she addressed to the delegates from 80 countries with fresh idea to hire more women into peacekeeping UN mission. According to Mrs Jolie, the UN’s reputation had been undermined by intolerable cases of sexual abuse by peacekeepers. That’s why more women in the missions could guarantee a spotless reputation:
“We all know that the credibility of UN peacekeeping has been sadly undermined by the actions of a few intolerable cases of women and children being sexually exploited by the very people in charge of protecting them.”
Mrs. Jolie assured that UN peacekeeping forces can only gain and keep the trust of local people if they are able to engage with women as well as men in that community. The sexual exploitation was among the key themes of the summit, and statement of the Special envoy undoubtedly had a great resonance.