Today: Wednesday, 5 February 2025 year

American clinics sell unapproved stem cells treatment

American clinics sell unapproved stem cells treatment

The US public health authorities are very concerned about unapproving stem cell treatments, which medical clinics sell. According to the latest analysis, 351 businesses selling stem cell interventions from 570 American-based clinics. 

The public health in the US regulates with many rules, instructions and approvements. It seems to be too complicated, but authorities must be sure in a safety of the medicines and therapeutic methods. The stem cell treatment is still an experimental medical procedure, unapproved one yet. But many people underestimate the warning of FDA and Health authorities and using the stem cell therapy as the wish and when they wish.

The analysis base on the keyword in Internet search has discovered 351 businesses selling stem cell interventions from 570 American-based clinics, says Leigh Turner, co-author of the study. The worst thing in the public health is marketing. But people intends to believe that stem cell therapy is the panacea, and businessmen is going on to comfort patients with this dangerous thought.

It worth to note, that most advertised types of stem cell treatments do not fit within the Food and Drug Administration’s regulations. As Leigh Turner underlines:

“The websites are well-done, with links to scientific studies and patient testimonials.”

Paul Knoepfler, a stem cell scientist, adds that treatment centers often say about their own “a clinical trial,” but it cannot be true in medical terms. It’s just a for-profit center administering experimental procedures to earn income.