Today: Sunday, 12 January 2025 year

A minister sympathetic to Nazism resigned in Finland.

A minister sympathetic to Nazism resigned in Finland.

The Minister of Economic Development of Finland, Vilhelm Junnila, who was appointed on June 20 and was previously seen as sympathetic to Nazism, resigned, the True Finns party reported.

“Minister of Economics Vilhelm Junnila is leaving his post,” said Matti Putkonen, a spokesman for the True Finns.


Yunnila himself said in a press release that he sees no way to continue working.

“Despite the confidence of the party and my parliamentary group, I see the matter as follows: Based on the succession of the government and the reputation of Finland, I see that I cannot continue satisfactorily as a minister,” Ünnila wrote.

Yunnila was appointed minister on June 20, after which the Finnish media published several materials about his participation in the activities of far-right organizations, his use of statements and hints of links with Nazism. Immediately after his appointment, Yunnila apologized for his actions. On Tuesday, June 27, the opposition parties “Green”, “Left Alliance” and the Social Democrats expressed no confidence in the minister and put the issue to a vote in parliament. Yunnila received a vote of confidence from Parliament by 95 votes to 86 votes.