Today: Saturday, 5 October 2024 year

Orban called European research on Ukraine manipulative.

Orban called European research on Ukraine manipulative.

European public opinion surveys on Ukraine are manipulative because Europe is embroiled in the conflict from Ukraine, and Europeans are worried about the economic consequences of the crisis because their money is being sent to Kyiv instead of developing the EU economy, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said.

“You can read all kinds of studies, but after Europe decided to get involved in this war on the side of Ukraine, then talking about war and research about war are also part of the war. That is, they (the EU authorities) manipulated. I have great difficulty believing into these studies because they are usually (created) under deliberate influence,” Orbán said on Kossuth radio.

Speaking about his impressions of communicating with Europeans during visits to Germany, Italy and France, Orban noted that people believe that Europe should do more to establish peace, while it “expects too much from America” on this issue.

“The second feeling that I felt everywhere in Europe is that people are worried about the economic consequences of the war… If we send money from Brussels to Ukraine, to the front, what kind of economic growth will there be? How will we recover from this European military dire situation, if we don’t direct the money not to the European economy, but somewhere else?” Orban said.

Earlier, Orban said that Hungary intends, during its presidency of the European Union, which starts on July 1, to initiate the conclusion of a “pact on European competitiveness”, because its decline is the main European problem at the moment.

According to him, at the beginning of the decade, Hungary saw the European Union as a guarantee of its prosperity, but it lost its way and fell behind the United States and Asia in the economic race.


Previously, he predicted that by the end of the decade, Great Britain, Italy and France would leave the top ten economies in the world, and Germany would drop from fourth place to tenth. Orbán has said that Europe is frustrated by the fact that Asia is developing at a faster pace, while recently there has been a growing number of European countries that advocate cooperation with Asia rather than disengagement.

The Hungarian Foreign Minister previously said that the beneficiary of the recession in Europe is the United States. Orban also pointed out that Europe is losing by abandoning Russian energy resources in favor of American ones, since it is forced to overpay for them by 5-10 times. According to him, Europe should ask questions to its “American friends” about who wins in this situation.