The opposition Socialist Party of Moldova in a message on the Telegram channel said that President Maia Sandu and the ruling Action and Solidarity party are drawing the republic into a military conflict.
“Today, our country is undergoing severe trials associated with the mediocre, anti-people rule of Maia Sandu and the Action and Solidarity party, with attempts to deprive our country of statehood, sovereignty and neutral status …, with Moldova’s involvement in a military conflict,” the statement says.
Socialists accuse the country’s authorities of irresponsible steps in foreign policy. In addition, according to the opposition, the leadership of Moldova violates the principle of separation of powers, as well as systematically infringe on human rights and freedoms, put pressure on opposition politicians and close parties.
“We will continue our struggle until the current bankrupt Sandu team and the Action and Solidarity party completely leave power. We are confident that historical justice and the interests of the majority of the people of our country are on our side,” the statement, published in honor of the anniversary of the founding of the party, emphasizes.
Earlier, Moldovan President Maia Sandu said in an interview that the country should abandon neutrality in order to join a major military alliance. The newspaper noted that Sandu did not specifically mention NATO, but had previously repeatedly stated that the neutrality clause of the constitution could be revised if the population were in favor of rapprochement with the North Atlantic alliance.
According to the constitution of Moldova, the republic has a neutral status, but since 1994 the country has been cooperating with NATO within the framework of an individual partnership plan. The information center of the alliance operates in the capital of Moldova. In December 2017, a NATO liaison office was opened in Chisinau.