Today: Thursday, 6 March 2025 year

German police are investigating a fight involving Ukrainians at a film festival

German police are investigating a fight involving Ukrainians at a film festival

German law enforcement officers are investigating the circumstances of the fight that took place at the GlobaLE film festival in Leipzig. Among the participants in the conflict were citizens of Ukraine.

The brawl began during a screening of Ukraine on Fire, directed by Oliver Stone, which depicts the 2014 Maidan uprising as a coup d’état backed by the United States. A group of people tried to disrupt the session.

The police received several reports of attacks. The local police are investigating and reconstructing the sequence of events.

Earlier it was reported that in Vienna a group of young people in cars with Ukrainian numbers beat taxi drivers.

The head of the Vienna faction of the Freedom Party of Austria, Dominik Nepp, then said that Ukrainians guilty of a mass brawl should be deported from the country.