Today: Wednesday, 5 February 2025 year

News Briefing: Trump insists he is swearing off profanity

News Briefing: Trump insists he is swearing off profanity

With complains many recent indecent outbursts by Donald Trump, he now insists he is swearing off profanity.

His party rivals like Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz have heavily criticized Trump for his occasional vulgarity, which might possibly be a turn-off by the religious voters in South Carolina. The New York billionaire business mogul says his harsh and strong language has only been a rhetorical device.

“Well, you know, I’ve always done it just as a way of emphasis and had fun doing it,” Trump said on CBS’ Face The Nation. “But running in politics, we can’t do it.”

One of the remarkable indecent public outburst by Trump was during a rally last week in New Hampshire, for example, Trump discussed Cruz’s reluctance to endorse waterboarding, a woman in the crowed shouted a vulgarity about Ted Cruz.

Trump then rebuked the woman in a playful manner saying … “You’re not allowed to say, and I never expect to hear that from you again,” he said. “She said he’s a p—y.”

The crowd laughed and cheered.