Today: Wednesday, 5 February 2025 year

Theresa May set to attend House of Lords Article 50 debate in person

Theresa May is keeping her line towards Brexit and the Article 50. today, the prime minister is set to lead a group of ministers and MPs in person to the House of Lords.  It is unusual for the PM to listen to peers’ debates in person.

Theresa May and David Lidington, the Leader of the House of Commons, are the officials who are going to attend the debate on the EU Bill. The opinions of peers regarding the Notification of withdrawal of the UK from EU, obviously, are important to the prime minister.

Image result for theresa may in parliament today

Speaking this morning on a visit to Stoke ahead of the by-election there later this week, Mrs May said:

“Properly there will be debate and scrutiny in the House of Lords, but I don’t want to see anybody holding up what the British people want, what the people of Stoke-on-Trent voted for last year, which is for us to deliver Brexit, to leave the European Union.”

The right to speak first among the peers this afternoon got Lord Hague, the former foreign secretary, and Lord Mandelson, the former business secretary and European commissioner for trade. The latter demanded that the UK be given the right to “pass judgement” on PM’s Brexit deal, raising the prospect of the 2nd referendum or even a general election to make the decision.