Today: Friday, 7 February 2025 year

Swiss knifeman sets fire on train, injuring six

Swiss knifeman sets fire on train, injuring six

The knifeman in Swiss train acted with no motive, said Saint Gallen regional police spokesman Bruno Metzger told the local St.Galler Tagblatt daily. The attacker started a fire in a moving train near Switzerland’s eastern border with Liechtenstein and Austria. After that he stabbed with the knife six passengers, all of them got injuries.

The motive of an attacker isn’t still clear, but Switzerland is afraid of the wave of violence in Europe in recent months. That’s why may believes that Swiss knifeman linked to ISIS too. Bruno Metzger added in his statement that:

“We can neither exclude nor affirm that this was a terrorist act.”

Spokesman of the Swiss Police Hanspeter Kruesi informed on details of an incident in train. The attacker, the a Swiss national, used the flammable liquid to start the fire. It’s surprisingly, but the the the 27-year-old Swiss knifeman has no criminal records, neither links with the ISIS. The Saint Gallen regional police concluded:

“To date there is no indication this was a terrorist or politically motivated act.”