Nicolas Maduro and Pope Francis hold the meeting, which took place in the framework of the worrying situation in Venezuela. The country now is in the middle of the political, economic and social crisis. Nicolas Maduro also told offer divides coalition opposition in his conversation with Pope.
Nicolas Maduro and his unannounced meeting with the Pope Francis touched the issues of coalition opposition. Venezuela is going through the crisis now, that’s weighing heavily on the entire population.
Jesus Torrealba, the leader of the opposition Democratic Unity coalition (MUD), had agreed to join the dialogue proposed by the socialist Maduro following his meeting with Pope Francis.
However, Henrique Capriles said “no dialogue has begun in Venezuela,” adding that he had found out about the talks on television:
“These devils want to use the good faith of Pope Francis to buy more time.”
According to Mr Torrealba, the dialogue between opposition and government couldn’t be just a strategy to win time. In fact, the opposition members had pledged to debate on Tuesday whether to mount a “political trial” against Maduro. It worth to note, opposition members hold a majority in the legislature.
Meanwhile, Nicolas Maduro had a private audience with Francis at the Vatican on Monday. According to President, Pope Francis had supported the opening of a “formal dialogue” between government and opposition.The Vatican envoy informed that both sides aimed to formally open talks on October 30 on the Venezuelan island of Margarita.