Today: Tuesday, 18 February 2025 year

Meghan Markle’s co-star Patrick J Adams wants to meet Prince Harry

Meghan Markle’s co-star Patrick J Adams wants to meet Prince Harry

Meghan Markle is an actress of the famous law drama ‘Suits’, so her co-star Patrick J Adams is ‘super happy’ to see that the personal life of his colleague got such a lucky turn. Now, he wants to meet Prince Harry to find out what are Royal’s intentions to Meghan who is like a sister to Patrick.

Meghan Markle added popularity to the ‘Suits’ with her own popularity as a girlfriend of Prince Harry. From last October the journalists are trying to know more details about this royal affair, and the colleague of Miss Markle decided to meet with Meghan’s prince and to have a one-on-one talk with the Harry. Mr Adams sees himself a “big brother” to his Suits co-star, that’s why he wants to know everything about the intentions of Queen’s grandson regarding Meghan.

Patrick J Adams got a new opportunity to PR himself: on the wave of rising popularity of Meghan Markle, he announced his desire to talk with Markle’s royal beau and to clear prince’s intentions. Sounds pretty naive but Adams believes that Harry will meet him. Partick explained this his movement with the long friendship with co-star:

“She’s [Markle’s] like a sister to me. We’ve been like brothers and sisters for so long. So I’m just super happy for her that she found someone that she seems to really be into. We don’t talk about it a lot — obviously, there’s so much secrecy involved in something like that. So I just sort of stay out of it, and I feel like a big brother.”

According to Adams, he is going to have a drink, make sure Prince Harry knows what a woman he met, that he able to take care of Meghan. The most important question is, of course, what are Harry’s plans, is he going to marry or it is just a short romance?

Meghan Markle and Patrick J Adams

Adams said he is very happy that Meghan met such a wonderful friend like Harry:

“I’m just super excited for her and I hope that all of the whatever, whatever, I don’t even know what it is, but all of the madness passes at some point and they can just get down to the business of enjoying each other’s company and hopefully not have to worry about this. But I guess being in this situation, it probably goes on forever,”

the 35-year-old actor said.