Today: Wednesday, 5 February 2025 year

London traffic’s speed is equal to horse or cart because of gridlocks

London traffic’s speed is equal to horse or cart because of gridlocks

London traffic is the worst aspect in the UK for congestion, the speed of local municipal buses is equal to horse or cart, often even lower. According to the statistics from Infrix, Londoners waste more than 100 hours sat in traffic every year and watching a never-ending movie like gridlocks.

London topped the list of the worst area in the UK for congestion, the results of a new study says that drivers spending more than 12 working days sitting in stationary traffic in 2015. Some central London buses were travelling at an average of 3.8mph, which is slower than a horse and cart. Gridlocks are the main reason for slowing the traffic speed year to year.

The data of Infrix shows the simple example: in 2015, a five mile journey in the congestion charge zone took 25 minutes, in 2012, it was is almost five minutes shorter. The average speed through central London was 8.3mph (2015) and 8.8mph (2002), it’s simple to compare. The gridlock has been blamed on the rise of internet shopping being delivered by white vans, segregated cycle lanes and an increase in the number of mini-cabs.

In 2017, mayor of London Sadiq Khan plans to get rid of the permanent, segregated cycle lanes in a bid to tackle the capital’s growing congestion problem.