Today: Sunday, 16 February 2025 year

Hillary Clinton could lose because of Obama, according to new theory

Hillary Clinton could lose because of Obama, according to new theory

Hillary Clinton didn’t become the next American President because of Barack Obama’s lack of involvement. At least it is the idea her staff believes in.

Obama did not play his heart out during the presidential elections, Clinton’s side claimed. The former President’s “inactivity” made more damage than other problems that followed Clinton’s political rally, like the scandal with FBI or a possible Russian interference.

Clinton’s supporters blamed Obama and other members of the White House in carelessness.

“They thought she’d win anyway,” a member of Clinton’s campaign said. “If he had done more, it might have lessened a lot of aggrieved feelings, although I don’t think it would have altered the outcome. The Russia thing was like a spy novel, and anything he said or did would have helped get people to believe it was real.”

Obama’s side didn’t agree with the critique. The former President’s staff mentioned the White House didn’t attack on Russia because it didn’t want to politicize hacker attacks. The opposite decision could break the cooperation with Republicans.

Obama also could indirectly blame Clinton in her own loss. This thought is supported by results of his press conference on November 14, when the former President made comments about results in Iowa. Obama mentioned he spent plenty of time in the state that helped him to win or at least lose with less catastrophic result.

“There’s some counties maybe I won, that people didn’t expect, because people had a chance to see you and listen to you and get a sense of who you stood for and who you were fighting for,” Obama said during the conference.

Hillary Clinton can use different ways to become the New York mayor

While Clinton lost the presidential elections, she didn’t give up on her political career. There are messages the former democrat nominee can fight for the post of the New York mayor. The Internet media created three possible scenarios for this event.

The first theory the arrest of Bill de Blasio (the current mayor). If Andrew Cuomo will use his authority to remove de Blasio, Public Advocate Tish James becomes Mayor and, under the likeliest scenario, a 60-day nonpartisan special election is held. Whoever gets the most votes wins. If this occurs, Hillary can throw her hat in the ring, campaign for 60 days in wildly friendly territory and win easily.

The second scenario includes charges against de Blasio that wouldn’t affect the mayor. The third and the most unexpected scenario doesn’t include any accusations. In this case de Blasio would probably fight for his job that’ll make Clinton to run a real campaign.