Today: Thursday, 16 January 2025 year

Clinton and Sanders brawl over issues

Clinton and Sanders brawl over issues

Democratic candidates, Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders are not slowing down on their feud in the presidential race in Iowa. The two leading figures in the Democratic camp are holding rallies and meetings, getting endorsements and supports, and firing each other ahead of the Iowa and New Hampshire caucuses. Among Clinton’s past comments borders on Sanders being inexperienced on foreign affairs and will dismantle the healthcare.

Clinton says Sanders won’t do anything

Clinton is giving Bernie Sanders one more attack, painting him as a starry-eyed idealist incapable of acting on his ambitious agenda. In a day of campaigning on Thursday in snowy Iowa, Clinton questioned Sanders’ ability to form coalitions and pass legislation in Congress, accusing him of being out of touch with reality. “In theory, there are a lot of things to like about his ideas,” she said at an event at Simpson College, in Indianola, Iowa. “But ‘in theory’ isn’t enough. A president has to deal in reality.” “I am not interested in ideas that sound good on paper but will never make it in real life,” Clinton said.

Sanders strike Clinton on climate

The Bernie Sanders campaign was the first to strike on Wednesday night when it issued a press release that read, “Where is Secretary Clinton’s climate plan?” The memo, written by spokesperson Michael Briggs, accused the former Secretary of State of failing to deliver on a promise to release a plan to stem the spread of climate change.

Clinton strikes back on climate change

That same evening, according to TIME, the Clinton campaign struck back with a snarkypost on Medium written by campaign chair John Podesta. “The Sanders campaign asked where our climate plan was,” the headline read. “I Googled it for them.” It went on to include the many tweets, articles, speeches, and policy papers that have explained Clinton’s approach to climate change over the last several months. “While the Sanders campaign pores over those, I suggest that they explain how they plan to back out of the international climate deal that President Obama reached with the rest of the world in Paris,” Podesta wrote. “After all, Senator Sanders did come out against it.”