Today: Thursday, 13 February 2025 year

Bernie Sanders remains the most popular democrat among young voters

Bernie Sanders remains the most popular democrat among young voters

Hillary Clinton wants to make sure that she will have no issues with being successful at the Iowa caucuses, looking forward to attract as many category of voters as possible. One of her latest targets are young voters, know for preferring her rival, Bernie Sanders.

In order to get them on her side, she brought a lot of personalities to support her at a campaign concert at the University of Iowa. Actress Lena Dunham and singers Demi Lovato and Katy Perry joined Mrs. Clinton, in an attempt to connect with young voters, but without that much success it seems.

Students do Feel the Bern

According to the latest polls, many youngsters are attracted to Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders‘ program, with or without celebrities supporting him. “Bernie appeals more to my cool,” said Alex Bare, a 19-years old student from the University of Iowa, cited by The Washintgon Post.

Like most of his colleagues, he enjoyed the free concert organized by Mrs. Clinton, but Bernie Sanders is the one who will most likely get his vote. “He refuses to take money from super PACs. That’s a really bold move and for me, that makes him cool.”

Younger voters are an important category for both candidates, as they can make a difference in Iowa, where Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are engaged in a very tight race.

Mr. Sanders is leading in polls

Still, like mentioned above, youngsters are preferring the Vermont Senator, who currently has 59 percent of the votes of Democratic caucus-goers of 45 and under, while Mrs. Clinton is just at 27 percent, according to a Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics Iowa poll. Another poll, organized by CBS News/New York Times, reveals that Mr. Sanders has an even better score, of 60 percent among voters under 45, compare to his rival’s 31 percent.

The interesting part is that this isn’t a case where students have something against the other candidate – Hillary Clinton in this case – but they just like more what Bernie Sanders is offering. It’s obvious that his push for free tuition at public universities had a big impact on this, not to mention the fact that he doesn’t take money from political action committees.

Hillary Clinton can’t afford another loss in Iowa

If Hillary Clinton loses the young voters from Iowa, it would be the second time for her, as the same happened back in 2008, when she lost to President Barack Obama.

At the meet from the University of Iowa she spoke for about five minutes, urging students to caucus and even managed to drew an impressive amount of applause. Still, she can’t compare her rallies in campuses with Bernie Sanders‘, the Senator managing to gather  2000 people recently, at the Luther College in Decorah Sunday, a lot of them wearing shirts with his slogan, “Feel the Bern”, says The Washington Post.