Matthew McConaughey is very surprised why the Hollywood society still doesn’t want to accept the new president. According to the star of ‘Dallas buyers club,’ it’s time to ’embrace and shake hands’, the life is going on.
Donald Trump is the president, and Matthew McConaughey offers to his colleagues from Hollywood just to accept this fact. In the recent interview to BBC, the Oscar winner told that Trump’s rise to power is ‘as divisive of an inauguration’ as there has ever been.
The interviewer Andrew Marr asked Mr McConaughey about the reaction of the Hollywood’s elite on Trump’s inauguration and his taking the office. And Mr McConaughey answered easy and laconically: should give Trump a break, McConaughey replied, ‘They don’t have a choice now, he’s our president.’
‘They don’t have a choice now, he’s our president.’
According to McConaughey, even the Trump’s haters should understand and accept just one simple thing: he is the 45th President, and it’s time to see what he does compare to what he has said. In fact, no matter how much people were disagreed along the way, it’s time to think how constructive can we be.
McConaughey’s new movie ‘Gold’
The new movie of McConaughey ‘Gold’ tells the story of a businessman who discovers the precious metal in the jungles, somewhere in Indonesia. The character of the gold miner required from the actor certain metamorphoses, so brave and unbelievable Matthew has changed again his weight category for the movie. If he shed 40 pounds for ‘Dallas Buyers Club,’ then he gained it back plus 10 more – for the picturesque belly.

It is worth to know, that unbelievable Matthew changed again his weight category for the movie. If he shed 40 pounds for ‘Dallas Buyers Club,’ then he gained it back plus 10 more to look more organically as the new character.