In Germany, due to the budget crisis, prices for electricity and gas for the end consumer may rise again, the head of the energy concern E.ON Leonhard Birnbaum said.
“After the previous price reduction, under current circumstances, electricity and gas prices may rise again from 2024. This is not a good signal for consumers,” he said.
According to Birnbaum, this is a complex problem caused by an increase in the VAT on gas, the abolition of price controls for end-users for operating energy networks and other government measures to maintain energy and electricity prices.
The cancellation of the so-called energy price brake, which was supposed to be in effect until March of this year, is due to the need to reduce expenses in the draft budget for 2024 due to a decision of the Constitutional Court. Previously, he recognized as unlawful the redistribution of 60 billion unclaimed loan funds from the additional budget for 2021 to combat the coronavirus pandemic to the climate protection fund.