Today: Thursday, 16 January 2025 year

FDA approves drug Sileo to help dogs frightened by fireworks

FDA approves drug Sileo to help dogs frightened by fireworks

Celebrating this year’s 4th July will be more comfortable for dog’s owners. Many dogs are getting nervous and furious because of the loudness while fireworking. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves a drug Sileo, which is able to help dogs who are frightened by noisy party fireworks.

The animals are not feeling good while it’s noisy around. Every year on Jule 4th the dog owner experience hard times. This July evening is more complicated to understood for their pets. especially dog. But this year everything will change; there is a new drug that could help dogs during those intense moments, FDA reports.

Loud noises like thunderstorms and especially fireworks make the dogs extremely and anxious. According to the Veterinary Hospital in New York statistics, the one-third of dogs in USA suffers from what’s called noise aversion. That was the main reason for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approving the first and only drug to solve dogs with the ‘fireworks’ problem.

The veterinarian Dr. Gary Yarnell (Veterinary Hospital in New York) offers to the owners of the dogs with a serious noise aversion tendencies to stay with the animal during the noisy situation. And try new drug Sileo, which provides a calming effect without sedating pets.